Friday, June 20, 2008

Letter from Senior Missionary in Africa - Follow the Prophet and Make Home Storage a Priority

Here is an email from Sister (Donna) Elam, who is serving with her husband in the Kenya Nairobi Mission.

She writes:
Jessica (and all the sisters in Sahuarita 2nd and 4th Wards),

Thanks for sending me the emails. Since we are serving a mission in Africa, I can't take advantage of them but I wanted to share some thoughts with you concerning food storage.
When there was the terrible violence here in Nairobi,Kenya in January, people were unable to leave their homes for many days - those who did not have a supply of food and water were in really bad shape. With fuel prices going so high, there are now truckers strikes in many areas of the world. When the truckers strike, the stores empty out in a matter of hours. Also, if the electricity is out (as it is here quite frequently) you are unable to purchase anything, as everything now is operated by electricity. As the economic situation in the world gets worse, it is critical that we have a good supply of food, water and emergency supplies in our homes. We do not know exactly what will happen in any particular area, but we will all be affected in some way.
I am so thankful for the gospel and the teaching we have concerning home storage. I hope and pray that all of you will heed the counsel of the prophet and make home storage a priority.

Love to all,
Sister Donna Elam
Kenya Nairobi Mission

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