Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Addiction Recovery Program

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a great program for addiction recovery. Many times people are embarassed to admit that they have a problem or that someone in their family is struggling with an addiction. We all struggle with things. It is a universal fact that we all fall short and that we all are in need of our Savior. I would recommend that if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, that you look on the church website for some tools.

The Church has a great workbook called "A Guide to Addiction Recovery & Healing." In many areas the church also has "Addiction Recovery Support Groups" which are based on the 12 step program created for Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a great program and can truly help with recovery. They have lists of meetings on the website.

There is always hope. Think of Alma the Younger and how he was able to change.

Here is the link: http://www.providentliving.org/content/list/0,11664,6629-1,00.html
(another way to get to this page is through www.lds.org , then click on "home & family", then "provident living", then "social and emotional strength" then on "addiction recovery program").

Here are some types of addictions that are listed on the church website:
Drugs (both prescription and illegal)
Coffee and tea
Inappropriate sexual behavior
Disorders associated with eating

I would also add to this list.... anger, pride, gossiping, negative thinking, compulsive behaviors, or any behavior that draws you away from the Savior. I would highly recommend this program. I have worked through the program and attended meetings and my testimony of the Savior has been strengthened greatly. I've come to realize that I need to work on every behavior and habit that I have that doesn't bring me closer to Jesus Christ. You don't have to consider yourself an "addict" to have things you need to work on. We are here on earth to learn and grow and progress. Overcoming challenges is a big part of this process.

I would also recommend the book "He Did Deliver Me From Bondage" by Colleen Harrison. This was the book that was used in the church-run Addiction Recovery Program meetings before the church created their own workbook. Colleen's book is from one person's perspective and it was very helpful to me. The church's book was a collaborative effort (Colleen was one of many people who helped on that book). So that book is less personal, but equally effective. I like both books.

If you have personal questions, you can email me at pamthemom@gmail.com and I would be happy to email or talk with you. ~Pam


  1. Thanks for the link. I plan on looking through it.

    I'm curious: have you heard of the Covenant Eyes accountability program? What makes it unique is that it gives you the option to simply monitor your Internet surfing, filter it, or both. A good filtering program is very helpful for children and families, but a good monitoring program is great for adults and children alike who want to be accountable to others about where they go online.

    We offer a unique “accountability software” program for those who are ensnared by Internet pornography. The software isn't a filter; it simply monitors where someone goes online, scoring websites for objectionable content, and sending a regular report to accountability partners of that person's choosing. Tens of thousands have started using our software in the last 8 years and have testified to how building deeper, more vulnerable accountability partnerships has set them free from the grip of pornography. The software has been a helpful for many to build self-control with their online use—the software is a constant reminder that their choices online will affect them and others they love.

    Covenant Eyes also has a promotional code you can use to get a free month to try out their accountability service. Go to www.covenanteyes.com and enter promocode 'onefree' to receive a free 30 day trial of the program.

  2. I just heard about the Covenant Eyes accountability program and I may give it a try. We have a filtering program called "NetMop" on our current computer, but we are about to hook-up internet on another computer so maybe I can try the Covenant Eyes on that computer. I like the idea of accountability rather than just taking away the choice. Thanks for the awesome advice!
