Friday, June 20, 2008

Primary Sharing Time - I Can Be a Missionary Now and Can Prepare for a Future Full-time Mission

Primary Sharing Time Idea

Show the children the jar of water. Ask them how many drops of water they think are in the jar.

Ask them, “If you were one drop of water, could you make a difference to the rest of the water in the jar?” Illustrate how one drop can make a difference by adding a drop of dark food coloring and pointing out how it flows through the whole jar. Help the children understand that what they do influences others.

Discussion: Discuss with the children things they can do today to be missionaries and the things they can do now to prepare to serve a full-time mission. Divide them into four groups. Using stations have the children learn a missionary skill from each adult leader.

Divide the classes into groups: Give them 2 minutes to talk about this topic and have them share.

Station A:
Full-time missionaries memorize discussions about the gospel. Have the children memorize an article of faith and repeat it to the group. They may do this in pairs or with the whole class.

Station B:
Missionaries read the Book of Mormon. Have each child choose a GAK picture representing his or her favorite story from the Book of Mormon section. Help the children locate the stories in the scriptures and retell them to the group.

Station C:
Missionaries give talks. Help the children practice giving a talk by using this four-step process: 1) choose a scripture, 2) tell what the scripture means, 3) relate a personal experience or scripture story that illustrates the point, and 4) bear testimony about it. If necessary, have the leader give an example, using these steps. Have the group choose a scripture. Ask someone to tell what it means. Have a second child share a personal experience or tell a scripture story about it. Have a child or the leader bear testimony of its principle. (For example: 1 Nephi 3:7 means that whatever the Lord asks me to do, I will do because I know that He will help me do it. One time I was invited to go to a birthday party on Sunday, but because I knew that the Lord wanted me to keep the Sabbath Day holy, I didn’t go. I felt good because I knew that I was being obedient. I know that when we keep His commandments, even when they are not easy to keep, we will be blessed.) Suggest using these steps to give talks in Primary now as preparation for speaking as a missionary in the future.

Station D:
Missionaries often lead music. Have the music leader help the children learn to lead music. See CS, p. 301 for diagrams of the beat patterns. Turn your back to the children and beat a 3/4 pattern. Have the children copy the motion. Sing “I Love to See the Temple ” (p. 95), and have the children lead the song. Sing other songs that have a 3/4 pattern. Teach a 4/4 pattern in a similar manner, and have the children sing and lead “The Lord Gave Me a Temple ” (p. 153) and other songs with a 4/4 pattern. Note that both of the songs mentioned begin on the upbeat (beat 3 or 4, respectively).

Summary: Share your testimony.

(Thanks again to Michelle Walton for contributing great Primary Sharing Times to the blog!)

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