Friday, June 20, 2008

Primary Sharing Time - Sharing the Gospel

Primary Sharing Time - Sharing the Gospel

Brief Description/Purpose:
We never know what may become of our efforts to share the gospel with others. We may be planting seeds that will flourish later.

Objects Used/Preparation:
small pieces of candy, such as chocolate kisses, enough for everyone in the group

Before beginning the lesson, pass out the candy and say "I think we need a little treat before we begin", or whatever you feel is appropriate to let the class know that it is fine to eat the candy at that time. It is also helpful to eat one yourself. Begin teaching and ignore the candy for a while.

At the appropriate time in the lesson, ask how many didn't take a piece of candy, how many ate the one they took, and how many are saving theirs for later. Relate this to sharing the gospel with others. Some people will simply not be interested, some will take it in right away, and some will "save" what we have told them for later.

Have the Missionaries come in and talk about different ways to share the gospel with friends, neighbors and family. Have the missionaries role play with the children how to Prepare, Invite, Follow-up, Resolve Concerns.

Sing Call to Serve (Have the missionaries join in)

Share a short story how you, or someone you know has shared the gospel with someone.

Read or share from memory D & C: 4.


(Thanks to Michelle Walton for this neat Primary Sharing Time)

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