Sunday, February 1, 2009

Get Well Candygram

We gave this note to one of the sisters we visit taught a few years back. We wrote the words on a poster board and attached candy bars in place of the bold words. We used a Heath bar for "Health" and added on a little "L" on the wrapper. For "Break" we wrote that word and put it over a Kit Kat Bar (remember, "Gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar!"). You can rewrote the note to go with the candy that is available to you.

LOOK at you! It was a SHOCKER to hear you had your surgery. U-NO we are the 3 MUSKETEERS and we’re always concerned about your HEALTH and S'MORE. Don’t SNICKER at us for caring. TAKE 5 because you need a BREAK to rest your WHATCHAMACALLIT. We hope it’s not a ROCKY ROAD for you. Please call on us NOW & LATER because we have MOUNDS of love for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE it ...