Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chicken Killer?

Babysitting a friend's "bird dog" + one careless husband = one totally dead chicken, one injured chicken, a sobbing child, an angry wife, and a remorseful and somewhat terrified man.

Poor Scotty was traumatized after losing two of our chickens this week. We'd been watching the Jensens' dog, Maddie, for five days and all had gone well. We knew she loved to catch birds so we'd been vigilant about keeping Maddie away from the chicken coop all week. Then we made a fatal error. Or should I say Thane did. After being warned repeatedly about Maddie, Thane came home fro a business trip and then the next day let Maddie out in the yard unattended for 30 minutes while he swam. Maddie broke through the coop, totally killed our little brown chick (Bren)and injured our black and white chick (Tacky). The two big chickens (Scout and Mally Moe) hid up top and stayed safe. The white chick (Snowball) seemed unharmed but died later that night in the cage. She just laid down and started breathing slowly and then died in the middle of the night. Scott was so mad at Thane that he took back Thane's Father's Day card that was homemade by Scott (he later gave the card back to Thane). Scott cried his eyes out and then cried himself to sleep at night. It was a traumatic experience. Now I have to joke about it and I told Scott that we'd name our next chickens "Puppy Chow" and "Chicken Nugget." He thought my humor was bad. We bought three new black chickies that Monday and we called them Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thankful for the Ride!

This wonderful piece was written by my dear friend Carmen who is going through a divorce (not by her choice). I love her positive attitude and the way she faithfully handles adversity. She asked me to post this on my blog in the hopes that it would comfort those in similar situations.

As a child, I always spent the months of summer at the beach with my family. I loved the summer. I loved being at the beach with my cousins and close friends. I loved everything about it.

It seems to me that there were hard times, like fights and not liking what was cooked for dinner and having to eat it anyway. Some adult wanting to teach you something, but as the time goes by, all I remember is how much fun and happiness there was. I find myself wanting to go back and have it all again. I loved my childhood summers at the beach on the coast of Brazil.

When I got home and it was time to go back to school and reality, I just wish my summers would never end and I could stay in that moment of happiness forever.

The trick was to cherish the good times and to be thankful to God that you had them, that you had the family there, and the sun, and the laughter and the love and that God made it all possible for you to have many memories for the hard months of winter ahead of you.

Talk - Being Thankful

This is a talk that was given by one of the Young Women in our ward this past Sunday. She did a great job and we enjoyed her fabulous talk.  I particularly like the "Land of Un" part.

When we pray we have a chance to thank Heavenly Father and to ask him for blessings. Many times we end up asking him for all the things we need and want and we may forget to really thank Heavenly Father for everything we have.

The definition of a blessing is: something promoting or contributing to happiness, wellbeing, or prosperity.

Perhaps this is not the case with you, but at times in my life Heavenly Father has blessed me; He has given me things that contribute to my happiness and wellbeing and I continue to ask for more without taking the time to add up all that I have been given.

The same might be said about our relationship with our earthly parents; our conversations become more about the things we need and want instead of about what we’ve been given. In a word, we usually end up talking to them about all the things we need and want, but not for all the things they have done for us. In a word, we aren’t as Thankful as we perhaps should be.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Boy Scouts - Merit Badge Requirements

Click HERE to visit a great website that has the Boy Scout Merit Badge Requirements.

Cub Scouts - Academics & Sports Program

Click HERE to visit a great website that has the Cub Scout Academics & Sports Program (beltloops and pins).

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cub Scouts - "Around the World" Day Camp Ideas

My friend Carmen in Texas just attended Cub Scout Day Camp this past week (5 days) with her son. The theme was "Around the World."  For those people out there who may be planning their own day camp, I thought I'd share some of the ideas.  These crafts, activities, games and science fun could also be used for pack or den meetings (or even at home with families).

Crafts –
To go along with the "Around the World" theme, they tied the crafts to different countries. There was a big flag displayed by each station to represent that country.

Africa – Made homemade drums

Africa - Mancala Game (made with a wooden board on bottom, then added small wooden strips to make holes for the board game, used beads for game pieces instead of small rocks)

Bubble Blower – They cut a water bottle in half. They used the top half of the bottle, attached a thin cloth with a rubber band to cover the open bottom part of the bottle. Then they dipped the cloth end in dish soap and sprayed with water. They made bubbles by opening the top of the water bottle and blowing through it. (not sure what country that represents, but it sounds fun!  Maybe from the Land of Oz or someplace LOL)

Japan – Origami (Eagle Scout project coordinated by one Scout) – learned how to make a paper cup, poppers, windmill

Scotland – Whirligigs

Rainstick – (they said that no one is quite sure of the country of origin of the rainstick, but lots of countries and civilizations have used them)

Father's Day Poem

I went to the dollar store and bought a pair of work gloves for each of my Nursery kids to give to their daddy's with the following poem for Father's Day.  I wrote the poem so it is not copywrited and you can use it and pass it on if you'd like.  Click HERE for some free Father's Day printables.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cub Scouts - Camp Journals

This scout craft activity meets requirements for:
Tigers 1d
Bears 8f (partial), 18g

Supplies Needed:
Journals (assembled in advance)

Boys will use extra time in scout craft and other areas to fill in information about their experience at Day Camp.

Cub Scouts - Popsicle Stick Picture Frame

This scout craft activity meets requirements for:
Tigers elective #4
Wolves 5e
Webelos Craftsman (1 of 4)
Camp Stickers

Supplies Needed:
Popsicle Sticks
Elmers Glue


Cub Scouts - Hat Hanger

Supplies Needed:
Yard Stick
Elmers Glue
Clothes Pins (4 ea)

Scout will write his name on the yard stick and then glue 4 Clothespins, spaced evenly, across the yardstick… all facing the same direction. When the glue dries, he will paint his hat hanger. He can hang his hat hanger on the wall and keep his scout caps on it as he advances through cub scouts.

Thanks to Michelle Walton for this great idea from their day camp.

Cub Scouts - Herb or Flower Garden

This scoutcraft activity meets requirements for:
Tigers elective #30
Wolves 6b & elective #15
Webelos Craftsman (1 of 4)

Supplies Needed:
1 Egg Carton
Seeds (6-12 varieties)
Potting Soil
Water Bottle (to moisten soil)
Popsicle Sticks (cut in half)
Pen or thin Sharpie

Have the boys move from station where they will write the name of the plant on the half Popsicle stick and plant the seed for that particular plant. At the next station, the boys will repeat the process for the next seed.

Thank you to Michelle Walton for sharing this activity from their day camp.

Cub Scouts - Tribe Flags

Supplies Needed:
Flag Poles
Trafic Cones to stand flags in
Flag Fabric
Puff Paint/Fabric Paint/Markers
Zip Ties

After choosing a Tribe Name and a working on a Tribe Yell, boys will design a Tribe Flag that represents their name and yell. They will use materials provided to decorate their flag and then construct the pvc frame.

Thanks to Michelle Walton for this great idea from their day camp.

Cub Scouts - Totem Craft

This activity meets requirements for: Webelos Craftsman 4 (1 of 4)

Supplies Needed:
Leather Piece: Neckerchief Slide & Medallion
Wax String
Spiral Coils
Leather Stamping Set
2 Alphabet Box
Scout 3D Stamps
Design Stamps
Stamp Handles?
Wood Mallets
Pounding Boards

Boys will wet leather piece using a sponge and then stamp their name in the leather, adding decorative stamps of their choice. Then they will thread the wax string through the holes in the leather creating a neck strap. And they will connect spiral coils to the bottom to hold their bead rewards.

Thank you to Michelle Walton for this great idea!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Talk - Gratitude is a Divine Principle

Thank you to my friend Erin who gave this talk at church a few weeks ago.

In President Monson’s talk “The Divine Gift of Gratitude” from the October 2010 conference he states, “Gratitude is a divine principle.” The Lord declared through a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith: “Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things…And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things.” Let me read that last part again… “And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things.” That’s a pretty strong statement and one we should truly think about.

I believe that showing gratitude is a choice we make every day. It is an intelligent way to use the gift of agency on this earth that we fought for before this earth existed. When I was a teenager I went to a youth fireside. My Bishop talked about this use of our agency. He said it was not possible for someone to make us angry but that we chose instead to be angry. I really didn’t understand this concept until I realized that someone could choose to act against me but ultimately I chose how I would react. This concept is the same with gratitude. Are we truly remembering the Lord’s hand daily in our lives? Are we aware of the many tender mercies shown to us in our daily life? Are we showing this example to our children despite all of the trials in our lives? Are we showing gratitude in our prayers and in our actions to others?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Talk - Gratitude is the Currency of the Gospel

This talk was given by my friend at church recently. Thanks for sharing it Ethan!

I grew up in Whittier, CA and was raised by a single mom. My mother was a very hard worker and did everything she could to provide for my older sister and I. She is a very loving woman and she is also very proud and independent. Although she was able to provide for all of our needs, some of our wants had to be forgone as we rarely had the finances for luxuries. I remember in Jr. High School that the fashion trend at the time were these brightly colored patch-work board shorts that were worn by the popular skaters and surfers of the era. Unfortunately for me these shorts were very expensive and due to the fact that ordinary shorts could be purchased for a third of the cost, my mother told me that we just couldn’t afford them.

That’s why I was surprised on my 13th birthday, to open up a present and find a beautiful pair of board shorts inside. I had never seen any that were so cool. Being a 13 year old, I quickly looked at the label to see what brand they were (since branding is very important at that age). I was again confused to find that there were no labels in the shorts. My mom could read the puzzlement in my eyes and went on to explain that she had made them for me from scraps of material she purchased from a fabric store. To save on the cost of the pattern, she had disassembled one of my other pairs of shorts to use as a pattern. Afterwards, she then reassembled the shorts so that I could continue wearing those as well. I was so grateful to her for making me those shorts and immediately put them on and went out on my skateboard to show them off to my friends. I think I wore them 3 days straight before I could bear to take them off for cleaning.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Report about Smoking

Here is a report that my son wrote for his PE class about SMOKING:

Many people today struggle with a smoking addiction. This is one of the most common and dangerous bad habits that people in our society participate in and although it is very hazardous to one’s health, it is still somewhat socially acceptable. The best way to not be a smoker is to never start.

When cigarettes are made, they contain over 4,000 chemicals. They contain at least 43 carcinogenic compounds and lots of other toxins. Some of the most harmful ingredients in cigarettes include nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT.

"Things to say when I get angry" List

I found this little list in my 8 year old's room. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! P.S. "Oh Crap" is not an acceptable phrase in our house, but I'm losing that battle I guess.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mario Kart Mixup

This video was created by my husband and two of our sons. Pretty creative! I love it when they do creative projects together.