Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Teacher Gifts - Foot Salts

The school year is about to begin and we have "Meet the Teacher" Night next week.  This event happens a few days before school starts and all the families come to school with their students to see what classroom they are in and they can talk with their teacher and see where they sit in class.

I am in charge of Teacher Care at school so I decided to give the teachers a little gift that day.  They'll be exhausted from getting their classrooms ready and from talking to all the families that night.  So I found a recipe for foot salts (click HERE) and then I will attach a little poem to it.  Here's what I came up with:

Lesson plans ready, classrooms look sweet,
Families are coming, students to meet.
When tonight’s over, you will be beat,
So go right home and soak your feet!
Wishing you a wonderful school year!
Directions:  Add foot salts to tub of water  and soak your tired feet.   
Ingredients: Epsom salts, baking soda, essential oils (do not eat).


Pam said...

Technically each of the ingredients are edible and won't hurt you, but epsom salts work as a laxative so I really wouldn't recommend it!

NickiD said...

This is a perfect gift for me to give my Firstie team mates! Thanks for sharing!