Friday, May 9, 2008

Reclaiming the Sabbath

Our Church leaders have urged us to strengthen our families by RECLAIMING THE SABBATH. They also urged us to have as few extra meetings as possible on Sunday so that families could spend time together. Here are some ideas that we have come up with of things to do on Sunday.

Attend Church and take the Sacrament
Think about the Savior and His Atonement and Resurrection
Pray & Fast
Write in your journal & write in family history
PIE Dates (Personal Interview Evaluation dates with dad and you eat pie or a treat)
Read the scriptures
Work on your Faith in God or Duty to God goals
Talk with your family about what you learned at church
Read from good books & the church magazines
Visit people or those who are sick or lonely or less-active
Sing with your family and listen to uplifting music
Write letters
Prepare a Family Night lesson
Watch Church movies
Do artwork or activities from the Friend
Use a flannel board and figures to tell Gospel stories
Work on researching family history
Prepare lessons or work on church assignments
Missionary Work

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