Monday, July 28, 2008

Poem - Baptism (Towel symbol)

We attached this poem to a fluffy white towel to give to people when they were preparing for baptism. If possible it is nice to have the person's name embroidered on it. Another cheaper option is those iron-on letters at Walmart or craft stores. We did that and put the child's initials on the towel (on the flat part toward the bottom). It is a fun tradition but can be costly, especially if you have many children being baptized. If you are doing this as a member of a Primary Presidency ask your bishop if this expense is appropriate for your ward. It is a fun gift for a friend or relative to receive.

This clean, white towel is a reminder for you
Of your baptism day for all the years through.
When you come out of the water, clean and pure,
Dry off with this towel and you can be sure,
That you are as clean as the towel is white
And soon the Holy Ghost can guide you day and night.
For the Holy Ghost is your gift after the laying on of hands
And will be a comfort and guide if you obey God’s commands.
When your towel becomes soiled, remember that we too
Make some mistakes but have been taught what to do.
Just as you can wash your towel so again it will be clean,
Your sins can be washed away and never again be seen.
The price for all your sins was paid by Jesus Christ with love.
Through repentance you’ll be worthy to return to Him above.
You will follow the Savior’s example as you make this choice.
Continue to try to be like Him and listen to the still, small voice.
Your Heavenly Father loves you. Remember to always pray,
And His Spirit will be with you forever and a day.


Stephanie said...

the kids love their towels. brandon still has his and i am sure that benny will keep his.

Maria said...

What a lovely idea!!! A towel !!!